VCs May Become Jerks & Founder Lessons

Morning beehiivcommunity! This newsletter leverages our experience and other experts’ insights. In this issue, we look at we look at ways VCs can provide crucial capital and support, but founders should weigh the potential tradeoffs.


Our Last poll: When asked which social media platform you enjoy sharing and experiencing new content, 74% of you posted that LinkedIn was your favorite.

Recommended: The movie Deadpool & Wolverine has something for everyone (if you love fighting, dancing, cameos, or dogs). But even the trailer is NSFW. LFG!

Note: We will be taking a break in August and look forward to capturing more insights this fall. While we’re away, we want you to let us know what’s on your mind—send us your suggestions for topics or Expert Tips. Thanks!


How VCs May Become Jerks

"A good investor will recognize that their positive mindset is constantly fighting against the downward pull of negativity.” – Omri Amirav-Drory

Venture capitalists (VCs) can be both beneficial and detrimental to startups. They provide capital and strategic advice but may prioritize their limited partners' interests over the visions of founders.

The pressures of the job can make VCs unresponsive and negative. Founders should seek VCs who maintain a positive mindset, offer constructive feedback, and add strategic value beyond funding, ensuring alignment with the founders' long-term goals.

Expert Tips for Startups

This section calls on other experts to offer quick, valuable insights into startups.

Founder Lessons in Launch

As I build an EdTech company, the lessons are powerful:

  • Title. After hesitation, I embraced the founder role to best acknowledge and share my vision.

  • Confidence. I pushed through paralyzing shyness to receive tough but rewarding feedback.

  • Struggle. My initial awkward conversations improved as I channeled self-doubt into drive.

  • Progress. Missteps lead to learning and failures to rethinking assumptions.

  • Ideas. I learn equally from my target audience and people across diverse careers and backgrounds. 

Asmaa Kabbaj founded Counsel-U for children to explore interests and prepare for college and life. The first release is Clipboard for high schoolers.

Scale: Reach Your Peak will be $0.99 today (eBook)

“Vision without execution is hallucination.” – Thomas Edison

You have amazing ideas and want to scale your impact. The book, Scale: Reach Your Peak covers 130+ topics from best practices to immediate execution.

Through Wednesday, the eBook version will be $0.99 in honor of Build Scale Grow’s anniversary date! You see the future so clearly. Let’s get there!

Scale: Reach Your Peak 

Founder Tools

As a startup founder, it's easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day instead of focusing on the big picture. Build Scale Grow helps you streamline operations, scale efficiently, and increase runway.

For insights right now, here are some tools:

Scale: Reach Your Peak with over 130 business topics to lead holistically.

Startup Diagnostic Assess and prioritize your business quickly.

Productivity Hacks Reach your goals faster.

Facing Your Fears Convert fear into success.

Calendar Book some time with us to discuss a specific issue.

Before You Go!

If you have a specific topic in mind for a future newsletter or feedback, write to us at [email protected].

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